the same as the cosmic radiation received during a transcontinental airplane flight. The risk of mammography causing a tumor has been compared to the risk of getting lung cancer from smoking one cigarette. Breast Self-Examination Monthly breast self-examination (BSE) is widely advocated and taught although scientific evidence supporting its use is still being developed. BSE can detect cancers earlier than no screening at all. To be useful, BSE should be done regularly, preferably every month. BSE can be taught by trained physicians and nurses, and most communities have centers to teach women how to perform this examination. BSE identifies a large number of breast lumps that are not cancer, more so than either mammography or physical examination. Breast Examination Examination of the breasts is a component of routine physical checkups. Benign lumps and masses as well as areas of thickening occur from time to time in most women, and repeated examinations by a physician may call attention to areas that deserve further testing. Physicians often draw in their records diagrams of areas of change or concern, which makes it easier to detect small changes at the next examination. Although mammography is the most effective screening method, about 10 to 15 percent of cancers will be missed by mammography yet found by physical examination, including BSE. Complete breast cancer screening involves all three methods.